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Quatoyiah Murry

Quatoyiah Murry is a Georgia-born film writer, video essayist, and author of TCM Underground: 50 Must-See Classics from the World of Cult and Late-Night Cinema. She is the former Editorial and YouTube channel manager for Turner Classic Movies, where she continues to write on a freelance basis. After her tenure with TCM, she moved to Paris, France, to pursue a master’s degree in film, graduating with honors from the University of Kent’s Paris School of Arts and Culture. She writes under the moniker The Cinephiliac and has contributed work toTime,Pretty Clever Films,Movie Boozer, andFilm & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Her work often focuses on diversity, representation, and historical context within film. 

Friday, April 19
12:00 am - 1:30 am
Midnight Movies
Chinese Multiplex House 6